Martes, Hunyo 28, 2011

The 8 Natural Wonders of the World

1. Socotra Archipelago found in Yemen – The Galapagos of the Indian Ocean, its about 700 flora and fauna species. These species are only found in Yemen. Its like a mushroom.
2. New Caledonia found in Australia – These are the tropical lagoons and coral reefs. It’s called extensive reef system of the world.
3. Surtsey Island found in Iceland. Formed like a Volcanic Island. It’s Natural Reserved.
4. Joggins Fossil Cliffs found in Canada. These is 300 million years old Fossil Record of Terrestial Life.
5. Sardona Tectonic Arena found in Switzerland. These old rocks sits above the younger rock formations. These is over 200 years old.
6. Saryaka found in Kazakhstan. The Central Asian lakes and Steppe in Naurzum and Korgalzhyn. Undisturbed area.
7. Mount Sangingshan Natural Park found in China. The array of granite pillars and forest.
8. Monarch Butterfly Biosphere found in Mexico. Millions of monarch butterflies in cluster pack found only in Oyamel Fir Forest.

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1 komento:

  1. it is hundreds, a thousand million or may a billion of butterflies. I dot ever expect that there is a place where butterflies live with many of them........
